miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017



But after this closing session, it was not time yet to finish this day because the final session of my teaching plan was bound to be achieved on next days!! Before receiving families for the School Tour, I let them time to practice once the sentences and movements around the corridors. They did it very well, so it was a symbol that they were feeling important for that day.

Parents were punctual, so I said with slow voice: ready, steady, go!! A girl started with the first sentence for welcoming parents, grandparents, cousins, and some aunts and uncles that wanted to attend this meeting. I opine that they got impressed and they loved the opportunity to feel the school close to them and show what their chidren were doing at class with me.

I prepared for my pupils a real accreditation with a code, each one’s name and their role (in that case, they were acting as if being presenters of a Tour). Personally, I want to stress out that it was a great signal to make them feel the protagonists and, in general, be a great occasion to put the final point of this trip. As a future teaching professional, I want to summarize this day with the relevance of keeping in mind every idea that comes to you and try to think if it can work greatly for your students. If so, I consider that you only need your own desire and grains of willingness to take this dream and make it become true till the end! 

And now, I can't wait to show some memorable photographs about this Tour!! Have a look at them and have fun...

P.S.: Please, if you have some other photos or videos about it and you want to share them with me, you can do it while sending an email to my account: raquelpa1@blanquerna.url.edu 

I will upload them here, no doubt!

Thanks a lot for your collaboration... and surely for attending to this School Tour!! Bye!!

How much proud they were of their accreditations and ready to start!!

Do you want to watch this video and rediscover it? Here you can do it just clicking on it!

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