domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017


Hello again!

This English class was pretended to be a bit different because it was my turn to do it and see how my planned intervention worked in a real class context. After preparing last details, I remembered to them that we were starting my project that will last after a set of nine sessions and more than one adventure to be shared too!

I showed an envelope with a piece of paper inside it. It was conceived as a way of mystery and for catching their attention to get to know the name of the topic. To make the translation easier, I put an image for each name of the title (Walking through Campins!) and I verified that they understood the meaning quite easily. Afterwards, I gave the initial test to them just as a way of measuring their previous knowledge about this village in English and rather than evaluating them just for having an objective mark. I was positively surprised because most of them were able to complete it alone thanks to the support of an image, and a bold word highlighted per each question from the test.

Afterwards, I presented a Power Point for justifying a bit the following aspects: the reasons of this title, the possible duration of this centre of interest, the ingredients needed to guide each session (e.g. motivation, curiosity, awareness, willingness...), the type of activities and how they were going to reach them (possible number of days, the creation of doubly indoor and outdoor didactic purposes…).

At the end, I showed the blog I had created to post the most relevant information and curiosities throughout multiple sessions in a way that families could also be aware of what was going on and share their opinions on it and if desired. At the same level and as a future teacher, I decided to write a parents’ note by email to keep them informed about the beginning of this project with their children too.

Personally, I am pleased for this first day plenty of novelty and illusion both for them and for me. They responded with good behaviour and a great attitude to see what they were going to do at each occasion and giving me the sense to act as if I was their real English teacher. I guessed the time even if this point tends to be a bit tricky for teachers. It is diffult to say how exact time you will need for doing this or that activity, but as it mostly happens, I also consider that it is a question of practicing and planning a lot for a real group of students that you are supposed to know their strong and weak points. 

That's all for this initial session!

P.S.: Here you can find the Power Point we worked on at class.