Hello to everyone!!
For me, it’s such a grateful pleasure to present this blog. I’m Raquel Pagès Amenàbar and I’m studying the third grade of Primary Education in English at Blanquerna - Ramon Llull University.
This year, I’ve decided to choose a Rural School for doing my Practical Experience, and I had the chance to get in L’Alzinar School which takes part of a ZER (in Catalan, Zona d’Escoles Rurals) named Baix Montseny.
I’m staying in a Primary School class with pupils that are between 8 and 10 years old. Even though, my educational intervention will be done just for Middle Cycle because they always join third and fourth grades to have English lessons all together.
After rethinking a lot about what it would consist of, I finally reached that my intervention was going to be focus on the school placement, Campins, and having English language as the main communicative tool among the class group behind the title Walking through Campins!
In accordance with my educational vision, I strongly want to pursue a methodology based on the following principles: student as the main protagonist of his process of learning (child-centered pedagogy) and practical activities to achieve meaningful and memorable experiences through empowerment and aiming them to participate since the minute one!
As a result, I planned a centre of interest sustained by nine sessions and in which each three of them are corresponding to initial, developmental and final phases in turn to give time to understand what is going on in each new day.
All in all, I’m glad to say that you are going to find daily information and curiosities about each session in this blog while clicking on the different sections of this page.
Hoping you can enjoy the project as your children will surely do!!
PS: I invite you to comment everything that comes to mind with the rest in relation to coming events!! Keep in touch!!