last this Friday’s afternoon, I put into practice the third session of my
educational intervention. As I tried to plan at the beginning, we remembered
together how to indicate directions in English with a detailed Power Point.
Therefore, I can greatly say that they knew most of them with double evidence
and enthusiasm which was a symbol that they assimilated what they practiced on
previous sessions.
order to active their prior notions, I explained the game that was bound to
be played in pairs. It consisted of a DIN-3 drawn map with ten numbered places
about Campins and two sets (one for each member of the pair) of ten flashcards
to play this orientation game. I believe that it worked well because they were
paying a lot of attention with the indications I was saying to them.
real scene, they had to put the flashcards on the back to not see the real
place. When they took one that sould be different from each member of the
partner, it was turn to indicate how to get there thanks to the structure of
phrases and their orientation being constantly activated. In turn to know a bit
more their level of understanding, I found enriching that they had the chance
to practice individually with a worksheet based on crossing the possible answers for each question and
matching expressions about directions with the correct name.
I would like to express that it has newly been such as an excellent possibility to perform
this session in a real class context and what counts more for me, with a
participative group of pupils being always aware of what it is going to come
next. Furthermore, I would add their passion for most of them for learning
English and giving me the opportunity to let me feel just as their real teacher
for some time next to them.
And remember that... you are going to see more entries very soon! Bye!
And remember that... you are going to see more entries very soon! Bye!
Finally, they were able to check this Power Point to get better oriented during this activity, apart from having hands-on materials to see and rapidly check what they were finding out!